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Table of Contents

Chord Families and Progressions

In the second module in EDU 106 we move from understanding the shape of stories and learning the importance of owning our own story to telling the story of learning.

In the second module, “Learn Something” we must all choose something to learn. We will then reflect on this through writing and recording a short microcast of audio reflections.

You can not understand teaching without deep knowledge of how you learn.

Music Theory

I chose to study some basic music theory for the ukulele. This began with a deep dive in to major and minor scales, chord families. I will continue with harmonies and the “circle of five”

Find Learning Material

So I went out and curated some resources. I belong to a Ukulele Club, Ukulele Underground. They have a ton of free lessons and for $20 a month you can get access to even more content and fifteen minute lessons.

<HTML> <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/3GSlwp7qcxM” title=“YouTube video player” frameborder=“0” allow=“accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/7kBe7N4g1yI” title=“YouTube video player” frameborder=“0” allow=“accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe> </HTML>

I also have a book of chords I often refer to when playing.

Learning Tools

You can see the importance of some learning tools in the video.

Mnemonic Devices

We use memory tools like WWHWWWH for the steps in a major scale and WHWWHWW as steps in minor scales. If you have these mnemonic devices memorized you can build any major or minor scale on the fret board.

Visual Tools also help.

I color code the fret board for different scales. The act of completing the study guide helps you remember. Then you can quickly see patterns and just know to stay in the zone and not really think why. Just hit the spot you supposed to go without leaving the constraints of the scale.

g minor on a ukulele fret board

Note taking helps.

We stress using text structure as a way to hack your way thriugh college reading. In the shape of yoru story module we look at the text structure of a quantitative and qualitative text and traced the epistemological, how think about thinking, and ontological, your world view assumptions baked into the design. So we learned how to skim ahead and write down the headings in our notes or how to parse an abstract.

Turns out music not different. See music theory is research. All stories have a shape and all texts a structure. Patterns that have stuck out through centuries and billions of iterations.

We can use note taking to help see the patterns pushed out in chord progressions.

F major chord progressions

You can see in my notes how I went from the Mnemonic Device, to a visual representation of the major scale. I then laid out the Scale. We learned about families and common progressions.

You Need To Mess About

So I decided to give the I, iii, ii, V chord progression a try. In the Key of F this included F, Am (A minor), Gm (G minor) and C.

Mainly bc I already had the G minor scale charted and I really dig how it sounds. A solid hook into the soul.

So in this piece I call “Slipstream I layered some soloing on top of the Progression while trying different strum patterns.

I still need to work on chunking and rolls while not losing my groove. The chord progressions also introduce chords I do not know.

I should also get around to learning a song.