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Limerick Requests

Do have a most hated tankie or vatnik and would love a limerick to gift to to the world. Just show a small donation to a NAFO fundraiser of $5-10 (feel free to double dip with raffle tickets). Just find me somewhere on the interwebz as jgmac1106.

Nobody owns the limericks. They are meant to be written on your mom's bathroom wall. But I will add it here with you as sponsor if so desired. I wouldn't put my name near this crap, and I write it.

Matching Drawing

For $20-25 dollar donation I can also provide a really poorly drawn Vatnik edition as well

Again you can double dip with raffle and stuffs. You are gonna lose, might as well get suckered into my shitty stuff too. Just ping me with some kind of proof you donated

Gift a Poem

You can also give a poem to NAFO fella.


There once was a gay MAGA gnome Dom Lucre
believed in sex tunnels and the Jewish Death ray
would spread disinfo and lies
while his fiancé banged  lots of guys
Now Dom and Whitney ask " Hey Elon Where's my Pay"
There once was a geeked out gnome Dom
Literally everything he tried would bomb
Maybe he crazy
or just too Damn lazy
but his lack of success even killed his Mom
There once a MAGA troll named Kev
tweeted like a drunken medvedev,
lied about 2020 election
because he can't get erection
Only the Orange clown makes his engines rev
Once was a racist troll Oleksey
Who found brown stars sexy
Sing sweet ballads
About tossing salads
Until his tongue was all messy
Like Wittgenstein's game or Stewart's Spank Bank
Hard to define, at root, assigning natural rights as rank
Fight or flight
might makes right
usually some bootlicking autocrat with an authoritarian stank
There once was a horse faced troll MTG
Who had a rack for any guy to see
Spoke of chem Trails
And Burisma fire sales
But dreamed of nothing but Hunter's wee wee
Ayden knows this, he is a gym rat  from Arizona
And his  network of trolls who pretend to pwn ya
it's a dumb dance
and like junk in his pants
the truth is short, and falls over like Ayden's boner
This meme for bonking has to be on the ready
Whenever the trolls say them gays can't go steady.
Patriarchate of the ROC
Always dig a long.. Cock
So When Putin drops his pants they giggle and say "ohh Bless me, that won't shred me."
There once was a fake fella UkraineFanClub
Thought he could hang in sexx tunnels spinning dub
Was a total fake
couldn't hit a break
a nothing, troll, no more value than a rotting  grub
There once was a CRT gay hater David Gordon
Who thought he could just go IP address hoarding 
publish them online
not thinking FEC fines
money hole so big, like his mom, one we all scored in
There once was a Russian troll JD Vance.
Who wanted to control the junk in your pants
Thinks its mutinous
If he don't own your uterus
Says freedom, but its a fascist stance
There once was a Russian troll Bridget
Started  club for moms and thinly veiled bigots.
Tried to get  a redpillled hoarde
On local your school board
But voters raised a hand with a single middle digit
There once was God freak troll Dave Barton
Had chewed every last crayon in the carton
Tried to take on NAFO
but Just another mad ho
and this one sharts rainbow dust when fartin'
There  once was a troll Zakharova
who any oligarch could bend over
She always got a taste
They had to aim for the face
because her rear could fit  a Chevy Nova
Always bonking room for the Vatnik Georgie
Nonsene slimier than a Kadyrov Orgy
Always told lies
While wearing his tiessmall for goats. Galloway stuck it to Corgis.
There once was a Russian troll named Peter
Who was a Putin simping tweeter
Htchens only real care
was love for the Red Square
Too bad is mum wasn't a c*meater
There once was a British troll Peter Hitchens
always had Russian lies cooking in his Kitchen
Thought he was the New Burke
But really just a big jerk
wish he'd stuff his mouth and just stop bitchin
There once was a Russian troll Mike Lee  from Utah
who got bonked by NAFO until bowlegged and  raw
read Grayzone, the Russian rag
thought, cat's out of the bag
So Mike decided to give NAFO another hit at his glass jaw
There once was a Duma Troll and  Senator from Utah
NAFO wrecked him, Mike didn't believe what he saw
So he held a Congressional hearing
and learned Kama's earring
delivered Mind Control with total shock and awe

There once was a tankie @MaxAbrahms 
who wrote to rhythm of Putin's War drums
Pretended to be  Terror Expert
But would just end up butt hurt
When NAFO stopped by in packs to bang his mum
There once was a Russian Troll named Max
who would lie about all  Russian attacks
Putin offered a free wife
who would  peg you for life
Blumenthal just had to  write articles free of facts
There once was a Troll Senator Mike Lee
Who forgot true meaning of liberty
always be rootin
for Vladimir Putin
and didn't want Ukraine to be free
There was a young vatnik troll dogderbri
hopped on late to some MAGA Canoe
posted nonsense memes in fake yellow and blue
one more brain where NAFO lives rent free
There once  was a Duma Senator from Utah
who posted a poll for the hee-Haws
Cuz expansion non-negotiable
The Fellas get real socialable
and we start bonking  with his Ma
There once was a Russian troll Scott
Whose moral compass did rot
Pleasuring to the screen
He thought she was fifteen
But it was a cop, and Ritter got, got
Poor Magi Hester is Hiding
feeling tingly over Naked Hunter Biden.
  But the good pics she's seen
  Are always too clean 
So up on the Washer, she goes riding
Once she's a happy Magi Hester
Logs back on and call sem all molesters
and writes $8.00 scredos
to all the disagreeing pedos
until those Hunter feelings fester
There once was a Russian troll Scott
Whose loyalty Putin done bought
Scott like little kids
And did a three year bid
It was a very expensive money shot
There once was a Russian troll Scott Ritter
No spark, if adult clothes fit her
He'd get a fix online
But cops don't like his kind
Now convicted. Just a genocide grifter
There once was a Russian troll Scott
Who thought about young girls a lot
Busted Sitting in a chat room
Looking for kids to groom
So Slept three years in a prison cot.
There once was a Russian troll Scott Ritter
Who had a thing for the babysitter
Searched the web for a girl
But found a Cop named Earl
Now a convicted pedo, Scott's bitter
There once was a troll NAFOdestroyer
Total loser, rejected by even groypers
He was meant for my eye
ma said, maybe my thigh
but not aborting the monster destroyed her
limerick.1705932128.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/22 14:02 by jgmac1106